
Just Something to Ponder

Since you’re super busy writing your entry for the “First and Last” contest I announced on Friday, I won’t fill this space will heady writing wisdom that might otherwise distract you from the task at hand. I will offer a question for you to ponder. Which would you choose to tell your real life story: a non-fiction memoir, or a novel based (loosely or tightly) on your life? And why?

That’s all for today. Don’t forget to write… your entry for the contest.


  • Elaina

    I think there are elements of my life in the novel I’m writing now. There are definitely events in the book that are based on my own experiences. However, it’s not really my story. But would I write a non-fiction memoir about my life? Yes. Why? Because I think that the things I’ve lived through could potentially mean something to others who are or have gone through the same things. I also believe God can use our experiences in other people’s lives. I base that belief on what other books like that have meant to me.

  • Nicole

    Since my novels contain composites of me and my life, I would not choose to outright tell “my story” in a story. And though I’ve done some interesting and shameful things, to testify of them in a memoir would not be my choice. I’ll stick to covering them in random conflicts within the lives of characters.

  • Merrie Destefano

    For me, a memoir would be way too painful and too many people would get hurt by the shrapnel. I’d rather peel off layers of skin and use them to sew “pretend” characters, stitch by stitch.

  • Headless Mom

    Someone much funnier and more compelling than I could ghost write something loosely based on my life. Because really? Nothing too exciting to see here….